Well, overall, potty training is going pretty well. We’ve been diaperless during the day since Monday (it is now Thursday evening). We’re still putting Monkey in a diaper for overnights, and she’s been waking up wet, so I guess that’ll be an obstacle to address in the future.

We’ve successfully had several car rides and outings without any accidents! I feel like that is a HUGE deal! I’m feeling so proud of my little Monkey about that. And while at home, she has been great about regularly telling us she needs to go potty, or just heading straight to the bathroom by herself and going. She has even pooped in the potty, twice! (Which, what is the proper protocol for dealing with that? Like, clean-up-wise? I’ve been dumping it and wiping it with a wipe, but I feel like there has to be a better way, right?)

So overall, things are going well!

The only issue has been the transition to underwear. And she is so so so excited about getting to wear underwear. But, she has had a few pee accidents in her underwear. Pantsless? No accidents. Pants but nothing underneath? No accidents. But if we put on a pair of underwear? Yeah, no.

I’ve heard others suggest that maybe underwear feels too similar to a diaper and the kids get “confused.” Maybe that’s the case. Maybe it has just been a coincidence, and she would have had accidents those few times even if she had been pantsless. But it feels like the start of a pattern. So, maybe we need to wait a few more says before we’re underwear ready.

But, it feels like a success. I’m happy with how it has gone so far. Potty training has seemed like such a hurdle and I’ve been stressing it about it since Monkey turned two. And now I can see the finish line!

It feels good.


B-Minus Mom

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