That’s where I am right now.

The past few weeks have been great, but they’ve been busy. Work has been a bit hectic as we are coming up on the end of the school year, which means we are doing state tests, reading assessments, getting ready for report cards, we have a field trip coming up soon, etc. My coworkers and I very much feel like we have “Senioritis” right now – remember that last semester of high school when you could barely focus on school because your mind was focused on grad nite, graduation, summer break, and going off to college? Well, how are we supposed to focus on teaching the kiddos these last few weeks when we have our minds set on field trips and class parties and summer break and next year’s new batch of kiddos? And I know the students are feeling the very same.

Things at home have been busy too. Because I’ve been struggling at work, I have been working later most days. In addition, the last few weekends have been nonstop activities. One weekend, pool day with the in laws. Then, camping. The next weekend, my husband’s birthday and family in town. The next weekend? Disneyland. This weekend is the first in what feels like ages where we don’t actually have something planned and we can finally (sort of) relax. But even then, we are spending it catching up on our dishes and laundry, which have been seriously neglected lately. Plus, Bear has a cold (cough, runny nose, low fever) and needs lots of extra attention.

So how do you fit in “me time” to rest, relax, and recuperate when things are this hectic? I’m writing this blog post from the bath. Last week I felt fortunate to go out with friends two evenings in a row. Today I was supposed to go to book club but that ended up as a bust. I managed to watch the most recent episode of Game of Thrones today while Monkey took her nap, so that was something. But other than those few things here and there, I feel like it is just so hard to find “me time” while still taking care of the house and kids in an equitable way.

So for today, I am staying afloat. This ship will not sink!

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